Samstag, 8. Januar 2011

Blog award with a difference

oooooh! I got an award for my little blog today from Funky at sweet of you to think of me for this….thank you so very very much.
How cool is this! Not just your average blog award this you know….get the award & you also qualify for a $5 gift certificate…..what an amazing idea.

In order to qualify for the $5.00 Digi's With Attitude! Gift Certificate you must state 3 things that make you different from everyone else and nominate 5 blogs. The Blog Award Badge (above) needs to be displayed in the sidebar with a link back to the Digi's With Attitude! Challenge Blog
For all the details please visit THIS LINK

3 things that make me stand out from others!!!!
OK here goes :) speed
2.mein Name "Steampunk King"
3. I am a man :-))

Here are 5 blogs that I've chosen to give this award to.

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